♪ Stand Away - Angra (from their "Angels Cry" album)
∆ it's sunny today *yay* (Sorry there's no "sun" label in this editor)
Hello everyone,
here I am again! As promised, I am currently uploading several pictures to my Photobucket™ account. So hopefully I can post some nice pictures that Joyce and I made yesterday as soon as possible. Though I must say that I think Photobucket has been faster with uploading pictures in the past. I started it about an hour ago, 33 pictures and now it's only at 51%. So it may be that I won't be able to post the promised pictures before this evening. But I am working on it so hopefully I am able to share it with all of you asap ;◦}
Ow and I am very delighted :◦} Today one of the prezzies that I ordered for Joyce's birthday arrived and it's really lovely! I am hoping, of course, that she'll like it as much as I do *winks & grins in a cheesy way*
Anyways... I will start my "story" about yesterday. Maybe Photobucket will hurry so I can edit the pictures into this post. Maybe not... I'll only know once I am ready to post this.
As I already told (wrote) you, Joyce, George and I went to the gym on Sunday morning. After about 1,5 hour we were quite done and headed towards the pool. We went into the sauna, took a cold shower afterwards, then a hot one to shampoo and got dressed and headed for home. We hang out the clothes to dry and ate lunch. After that, it was almost time to go to Nijmegen. the weather was lovely, better than it had been all week. I guess the weathergods knew that we had a "doggy walking" invitation and provided us with lovely weather. We went to the owners of Bo, a dog (and owners of course as well) we met at Chance's doggy classes. Bo and Chance are about the same age and size and both very energetic. Brutus was the underdog but with 6,5 years the oldest one, so when needed, he'd claim his leader of the pact status.
Before we went out for a walk with the 3 doggies, we drank something. And seeing the sun was shining lovely, we all went out for a nice walk. I'd wish I had some pictures to use, but they will follow asap! Promised! (75% uploaded now, sighs...). After a while, Eric had to head home to make preparations for his study the next day. We went on for a long walk. Chance and Brutus took a short swim. We climbed two bridges to get across the river and before heading home, we stopped at a

I made dinner and after that we watched a DVD of the 4th Indiana Jones movie. We haven't seen it all yet, so we'll probably finish it this evening.
Today, I had to work from 7:30 till 12:30. Then on to the fysio and the grocery shopping and back home. My parents had already picked Brutus up when I arrived home. I went upstairs to start selecting pictures to upload to my Photobucket and then George and I went for a walk with Chance in the sun. When we got back, I went back to my attic room again. Started working on this blog post, posted some on Once more, with feeling & friends and played games on FaceBook.
And now I will head back downstairs to prepare dinner. I will be back as soon as possible to share some pictures of our walk yesterday! (still 86% uploading... sighs...).
TTFN my dear followers!
Cynni xxx
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