After over a whole week, I finally got around to really write my "report" on/about May 6th 2009. I wanted to finish my FedCon 18 report first, and in the end I found out I needed to upload more pictures to my Photobucket account before I could round it up. So now I am uploading them, saved my last FedCon 18 report as a draft and started to write this report...finally!
I decided to make two parts, seeing it takes more time (due to editing the video's that I'd wish to share with you in this post) as I thought it would. Seeing there were 24 songs that were played, I have decided to split the posts up in songs 1 - 12 and 13 - 24. Song number 12 is "Opportunity nox", number 13 is "Doesn't make sense". So when this is finally posted, there is much more to be edited and written still in part 2... I know how to keep myself busy, I guess...
I know that I have used some images already in a previous post, but some are just too good (or at least I think so) to let out of this report *smiles*. So I hope you don't mind if I use a picture (or more) that you have already seen before and just sit back and enjoy...
When Joyce and I heard that Per Gessle would be taking his new "Party Crasher" album on tour, back in January, we immediately ordered tickets. George did not want to join, so just two tickets were ordered and delivered. Then the days counting started... May 6th 2009: Party Crasher live in Amsterdam. I tried to get some days off from work, but seeing some colleges were on vacation, I could not get all the hours I'd prefer. I settled with working until 1pm on Wednesday, but having to work the whole day on the next day (so from 8am till 5pm!). Ah well, as long as I could go to the gig, it was OK for me.
George had to be in Nijmegen that day, so he told us he'd drop us off. Me at my work and Joyce at my parents' place. She'd walk to my work and from there we would take the bus and then the train towards Amsterdam. He also promised to pick us up from Nijmegen or Cuijk train station. We made it to the 13:13 bus and when we arrived at the train station, we stamped our special train ticket and we made it to the first train we needed to catch: towards Schiphol (airport). We had to switch trains at Utrecht. Since we bought a special travel card (which was almost 20 €uro's cheaper than buying two separate second class cards) we could travel all day that day, everywhere we wanted, first class! That really was a pleasure :)
Our train ride went smoothly and getting onto the next one was quite easy: just cross the platform and get on/in the new train. That one took us to Amsterdam Central Station. Joyce told me she'd never been in Amsterdam, so I thought it'd be a nice idea for us to walk towards the venue site: de Melkweg. It was quite hard to find though, but after a good walk, we did find it. There were already some Dutch, German, Spanish and even Mexican people there. Joyce was grabbing some food at the McDo and I would hold our places. Rumors were that Marie was going to perform that evening as well. And they quickly became reality when someone opened Twitter on his/her phone and read out Per's tweet about him practicing on stage (sound checking) with Marie... Whoohoo!!!
While we were waiting outside,
this was happening on the inside
Eva and Iwan were still on the road (or well, as they came by train, they were on the track). We tried to keep a place for them, but more people were keeping space for others which caused the crowd to get kinda cramped around 5pm. Since there was also a German fan in a wheelchair, I decided to be bold. I went inside to the register and asked a woman working there, if they had any "special" rules for people with a handicap/disability. I told her about the wheelchair lady and about my new hip. She totally understood me and promised me, that both the lady and I were allowed in before the rest. We were allowed to take along 1 person to guide/help us. We had to wait next to the line. She asked me of I could inform the other lady and I did so. She seemed quite OK with it, but did not really react very pleased. Ah well, Joyce and I would get in before the others without me needing an ambulance before even trying to get in. When Eva and Iwan arrived, I informed them about this "news". Of course they would have liked to join us in going in first, but they did understand the reasoning. Since the doors were supposed to open around 19:30, the four of us went inside around 19:15. We saw Helena and Martinique, Helena with her little kid on her arm, Martinique with two plates of pasta walking by. Helena waved at us and we said Hi back, and I wished her a "Bon Appetite". She turned, smiled, and walked on towards the dinner place.
It took a bit longer before we were finally allowed inside the area. Joyce wanted to buy some T-shirts, so I tried to keep space. But as soon as those doors opened, it was like all hell brake loose! I really, really, really happy that I was inside already. When Joyce noticed the crowd running towards the stage, she rushed back to help me, seeing people even tried to crawl from under my feet, between my legs... It was really crazy! We almost got in a fight with a guy who tried to jump over me. When I finally explained the people surrounding me what my situation was/is and that I did my best in waiting in the same queue (seems I like to queue lately) as long as I could... They finally understood. Well, some did and some just a little...

Since I got a very nasty comment on one of my video's that I had already uploaded to YouTube, I am trying to make new video's, with audio dub. Thanks to a very special man, called "DutchTaper" online, I got the audio tracks from that evening. They aren't soundboard quality, but a WHOLE LOT better than the quality from my video's. So now I am trying to get that audio synced with my video's. I do hope people will appreciate it and I am posting new links with my old video's, redirecting the viewers to the new uploaded video's...with much better quality. I will share some of the new video's in this new blog, so you can see for yourself! It might be worth it, even if you have seen the older video's I've posted before... Or maybe because you have seen the previous video's before *winks*
The guy opening the evening, Martinique (I believe his name was) had a higher voice than the Spice Girls had, any of them, and though the first two songs were OK, I quickly got bored with him and needed my dose of Gessle! I later found out that he is Helena's man (and father of their son, who they call Mr. X on their blogs...). But still, I like her music more than his, her style suits my likings better. BUT I did find a video on Martinique's blog that had a video on it of the crowd in Amsterdam. He filmed us during one of his songs (unfortunately, one I did not really like, so I am not too *yippy* on the vid). But you can see both Joyce and me and also Eva & Iwan *SMILE*. I hope I got his link right and I can embed his video in this blog as well...
But then, what music is that sound? Haha! It was/is the sound of music! Per used Rodgers & Hammerstein's "The Sound of Music" title song (sung by Julie Andrews back in 1965) as an intro! Whoohoo! Seeing The Sound of Music is still one of my favorite movies, I really liked this entrance *winks*
Here the new version with audio dubbing
When all the members were on stage, the music ebbed away and they kicked in with "Dressed for Success".
After that, Per was "Drowning in wonderful thoughts about her", and he felt alright! And I have to admit, I was drowning along with him and the band, and I guess many of the other guests as well.
Hurry yea! – Got somethin’ to do that must get done
Hurry yea! – I’m about to move into the sun
I’ve been standin’ in the shade of a shadow
I feel like drownin’ in wonderful thoughts about her
And it’s alright
Hurry yea! – I’m about to move into the sun
I’ve been standin’ in the shade of a shadow
I feel like drownin’ in wonderful thoughts about her
And it’s alright
After that, we all made Per feel so "Stupid".
1:37 minutes of "Stupid", with dubbed audio
Official video made by Åsa from the balcony during the "Stupid" song
Then it was time for "The Party Pleaser", yeah!
when you come around
I don’t hear anymore
when you come around
I can’t see clear anymore
when you move on that floor
can’t seem to think anymore
I’m pavin’ the way the way the way
for the party pleaser
I’m pavin’ the way the way the way
for the party pleaser
I don’t hear anymore
when you come around
I can’t see clear anymore
when you move on that floor
can’t seem to think anymore
I’m pavin’ the way the way the way
for the party pleaser
I’m pavin’ the way the way the way
for the party pleaser
After that, Per told us that the next song they were going to perform, was especially written for one of his favorite singers in the world: Marie Fredriksson. We/the crowd went wild (especially since we knew she'd be there somewhere...). What little of us knew was, that Marie had joined Åsa and some other ladies (wives I guess of other band members) on the balcony...
The song he was talking about: "Wish I could fly"
I dreamed I could fly
Out in the blue
Over this town
Following you
Over the trees
Subways and cars
I'd try to find out
Who you really are
Out in the blue
Over this town
Following you
Over the trees
Subways and cars
I'd try to find out
Who you really are
Then Per kicked in with another Roxette song and told us that: "She doesn't live here anymore".
Followed by "7twenty7"
"is close to the sky, it carries the world between hello and goodbye"
Then Helena joined Per for one of his "Son of a Plumber" songs: "I have a party in my head (I hope it never ends)".
"I have a party in my head" video, with audio dubbing.
This song always ends me up humming it on and on...
I have a party in my head, I hope it never ends
the buzz and the sounds, the straights and the bends
I have a party in my head, it's been there before
and if you wanna join, please knock on the door
knock on the door...
the buzz and the sounds, the straights and the bends
I have a party in my head, it's been there before
and if you wanna join, please knock on the door
knock on the door...
Followed by another "SOAP" song "Late, later on".
yea, first I got lucky, so happy,
I felt worthy
I never lost out
´til late, later on
I felt worthy
I never lost out
´til late, later on
Then Per went back to the good old 80's with the big Roxette hit "Listen to your heart".

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile
The precious moments are all lost in the tide yea
They're swept away and nothing is what it seems
the feeling of belonging to your dreams
Then came his first English solo single (back in 1997) from "The World According to Gessle": "Do you wanna be my baby?".
How come you're lookin' so good?
How come you're lookin' so fine?
I wasn't ready for you
Well, I was just passin' time
Do you do you do you do you
Do you wanna be my baby?
Do you do you do you do you
Do you wanna be my baby?
I really gotta know, oh oh
I really gotta know, oh oh

Followed by one of the newest Roxette songs: "Opportunity nox"

When I met you
when I met you
I didn't know what to do
when I saw you
when I saw you you said:
I'm living in a box but I'm out when opportunity nox...
I'm living in a box but I'm out when opportunity nox...
I'm dying in a box but I'm out when opportunity rox on
I'm sleeping and I'm dreaming so solo
I saw you in the crowd in the front row
you couldn't get it right in the disco
you're dancing so much better in slo-mo
I do have a short video of this song, but it needs editing so I will work on that and kick off my next post (the part 2 one) with the vid, promised!
The play list so far (post 1):
- Intro - Dressed for success
- Drowning in wonderful thoughts about her
- Stupid
- The party pleaser
- Wish I could fly
- She doesn't live here anymore
- 7twenty7
- I have a party in my head (I hope it never ends)
- Late, later on
- Listen to your heart
- Do you wanna be my baby?
- Opportunity nox
- Doesn't make sense
- Church of your heart
- Dangerous
- Joyride
- C'mon
- Are you an old hippie, Sir?
- It must have been love (with Marie)
- The Look (with Marie)
- Hey Mr DJ
- I'm not your steppin' stone
- Sleeping in my car
- Queen of rain
I hope you enjoyed it so far! PLEASE comment here or on my video's at YouTube��™, thanks! I'll be back! That's a promise *winks*
Hey sweety,
I love your first part of the Per Gessle concert. I am looking forward to the next part.
As I told you already. You go a lot more in detail than me.
Love you
Hi Cynthia! Superverslagje heb je ervan gemaakt! En ik wist niet dat Martinique dat filmpje op zijn site had gezet, lachen!! Tnx voor je berichtje op mijn log. Ik wist niet dat jij er ook eentje had!
En zeker weten tot NOTP. Welke avond(en) ga jij??
x Nienke
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