after some Gessle posts, I am back to write some more about the last FedCon day: Sunday May 3rd 2009.
We had to pack all our stuff on Sunday morning since we had to check out of the hotel. After having breakfast we asked if it were possible to leave our car at their parking lot and pick it up after the con had ended. That was no problem, so we took all the stuff we did not need anymore to the car and left, for the last time that weekend, to the Bonn Maritim Hotel.
I did make a picture of our hotel, forgot to make any room pictures though...
We left for the U-bahn where we quickly found some other FedCon people, on their way to the event. When we arrived at the hotel, it was quite busy already. But lucky for us, Imanuel really got there early and we joined in at his place in the Q. There we made our plan: he would take our picture that we made with Nichelle and take it into her Q. We would take his picture (for a friend) and get it signed by Nana (seeing we already met Nichelle and were really eager to meet Nana Visitor). When the doors opened, we all rushed to our desired Q, or this time, we started our desired Q's! Since Imanuel was first in line for Nichelle and we were first for the big autograph hall, the Holodeck).
But we weren't alone for long, a longer Q started to form quickly and after about half an hour waiting, people were already standing where we had been standing the day before (and were not allowed in that time). So we were determined to make it and since we were there first, WHO would possibly get it in his or her head to turn us away??? We were also joined by some gold card members and then a woman working for/with the FedCon Olympics (on the Wii). We have been chatting with her for a while, told her about what happened to us on Saturday. And also that a Staff member from the info desk had promised us to get us in if we were not allowed this time. And then she said to us, that if they gave us any trouble, shew would say that we were competing in the Wii games and needed to be back soon to play the semi-finals... So if we would not get in NOW, something would be terribly messed up. I went to chat with Imanuel for a while, since we still had time before they would open the doors. OK the doors were open, so before they would allow us in the Holodeck. When I came back, there were really many many many people in the Q and some looked almost pissed that I passed them and went back to stand in front. Well, not my problem. After a while Sandra came to join us as well, seeing she had the same agreement with the nfo desk crew member: we could go in first. But she had gone to Christopher's panel while we were in line. And then almost all the guests had arrived (only StarGate 1 Christopher Judge had to come, he had a panel before the signing began) and they said the first 20 people were already allowed to come in. So Nana here we come! Seeing we really wanted to talk to her AND we needed 5 of her signatures so all the time she could spend on us was ours, haha! So when we were in, we immediately went for Nana's table.
We did make a movie while talking with her, seeing we did not hear/read anything about that NOT being permitted so I am working on the video now so I can upload it to my YouTube and share it with you all. If you're interested, please watch it and hopefully you'll also leave me a comment. If you don't care, then you can skip it of course... It's up to you. But first, I need to edit it, upload it and wait for YouTube to be ready with getting it ready to be shared with everyone.
First we got the picture signed for Imanuel's friend and then we went on with the picture for our friend Eileen. I, of course, had to tell Nana about Eileen's pets... Which made her laugh *yay*. It's in the vid!!! Then our own pictures and my bag and of course we got a stroopwafel for Nana as well. Then she told us those were dangerous. OMG we gave her dangerous food!!! That can't be good, can it??? And I thanked her for making that picture with me on Saturday, but that unfortunately her head was turned in the wrong way. She gave me quite a look so I did tell her that I id like the back of her head as well haha.... Just watch the video when it's on here (hopefully when I publish this post) and see it yourself!

These are dangerous!

Signing my Star Trek bag

Signing our Major Kira picture

And finally our picture from the previous day photo shoot

And a great picture together!!!
*the video is on YouTube so here it is*
Seeing a lot of people came for Christopher Judge, we thought we'd be crazy if we did not get at least an autograph from him. So after Nana, we went in Christopher's line. After a while it was our turn and he was very nice to us. We also gave him a package
Then we went in line for Summer Glau. She was well known for her roles in Angel, Firefly/Serenity and now in The Terminator - Sarah Conner Chronicles. She was quite happy with the stroopwafels and even posed with them for a picture *smile*.
She brought along her two sisters, but I did not make a picture of them, wanted to give them some privacy.
Then we walked up to former "Buck Rodgers" star Erin Grey. I had met her before, back in September 2005 (Screenheroes in the Netherlands) where she signed my first season DVD set. Now we brought along the second season (though I like the first season better). I talked with her about the meeting back in 2005 and she did remember that convention. She gladly signed our season 2 box and was quite happy to receive the stroopwafels. She did not get any when she was in the Netherlands, so she was very curious to their taste. And she gladly posed with us for a picture.
After we met with Erin Grey, we saw that Michael Hogan did not have a huge Q, so we walked over to meet up with him again, asked him if he liked the stroopwafels and if we could have our picture taken with him. He was very kind, again, and gladly posed for a picture with the two of us. We also asked him if he liked the stroopwafels. He told us he was quite happy about it seeing there was hardly time to eat while signing. He only ate one and saved one for the Sunday because he really liked them. We gave him another package to enjoy and he was really delighted! As you might also be able to see in his smile on our picture!

Then we went to Eddy, or Edward James Olmos. There was a German fan in front of us and asked for a posed picture. He had to pay 20 euro's for it, seeing the photoshoot was also expensive. The fan did not mind and grabbed his wallet. Even though the Pink Shirt said that she did not have any change or a way to keep the money. The fan paid anyway and had his picture taken. Joyce and I only had 1 stroopwafel package left. We decided to be bold and I asked Eddy if he liked the stroopwafel we had given him on Saturday. He said it was WONDERFUL. We told him we only had one package left and were willing to trade it for a picture together with him. He grabbed the package and came up for the picture! Haha! So funny!
He also posed with the stroopwafels while enjoying them!
Then we went over to Sandra who was getting her final autograph (well, standing in the Q).
I will quit posting now, even though I would love to keep on going, posting more pictures and video's and telling you all about what happened next!
So keep checking this blog for the info about what happened after this... All up till the ending ceremonial, which was wonderful!
Much love, TTFN, Cynni xxx
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