So well, back to the song that I heard. It was a song by Delta Goodrem called Angels in the Room. I will post the lyrics here before proceeding with my "story".
I know there's something here
There's more than meets the eye
More strange more beautiful
Than these words can describe
Don't know how I got here
The past has come and gone
I just know I have found
The place my heart belongs
And I want to stay
I feel safe here in your light
This must be what heaven's like
Must be angel's in the room tonight
So much here in this world
I'll never understand
I'll have to learn to trust
I'll do the best I can
All the mistakes I've made
The wrong turns on this road
Have only led me to your arms
And all I know
I want to stay
I feel safe in your light
This must be what heaven's like
Must be angels in the room
Oh can you feel it too
Must be angels in the room tonight
I was vacuming the livingroom while this song played and it made me think how lucky I am. Yeah, I have had my share of problems, but still... I live in a good house with two people that I love till death and we have a wonderful sweet dog that I hope to be able to hug and love for many more years to come. These words that make this song are so powerful, so touching and so true. If you don't know this artist or song, I would recommend you make your way to your favorite music store and check it for: Delta Goodrem.

Ok, now I will write some more about what I've done last night, besides posting video's on my blog. While I was busy posting and checking out video's, I was also on Skype with Steph. And later we were joined by Joyce. Joyce and I have gotten Steph the PERFECT birthday present! I saw a commercial about it on TV and immediately thought: WOW THAT'S WHAT WE'RE GONNA GET HER! So we made arrangements and told Steph she needed to take December 18th off from work. I know we're planning way ahead, but the thing we're going to is only in the Netherlands for 4 days. And seeing the 18th is a Friday, we thought that would be easiest to take off from work. Since then we can take it easy and enjoy the weekend afterwards. Otherwise you will have to take another workday off afterwards as well or feel like sh*t and go to work after the thing we're going to. I just hope she'll like it and I hope we're going to like it as well, seeing the three of us are going together with Steph.

It's almost noon and I will make myself something to eat now. Chance is comfy sleeping in her bed and I have to change the DVD disc. I am watching House MD season 3 now. Last week I saw an episode of season 2 with Adam Busch in it. His character told House he was fantasising about cows. We (Joyce and I) had to laugh so hard since it was just hilarious and ever since I am wondering how much Adam got teased by Amber when he had to practise his lines. I imagine her making many silly cow noises behind Adams back all the time...
Ah well, I'm off for now. Ta-ta and I'll be back everyone!
Cynni xxx
Hey Sweets!
I understand what you mean about the song and how sometimes songs can have real strong lyrics..which are so true.
About the prezzie..I can say you are all mad for giving such a prezzie but I like it very very much! And euhmm why did you say or think I might be curious now? I know where we are going and what we are going to see..whohooo! And because I just looooove Irish is really a great present :p
And send me a link last night..which was pretty clear what you were trying to do..and I know the show we are going to..has been in the Netherland more it was easy to guess hihi
Aaaand I already told my mum about it. I told her "guess what I am getting for my birhtday and when" hihi..mum was almost in shock and said wowww...thats really great. (yeah yeah she is also an Irish "lover" hihi)
As you can noticed I didn't exactly said the "name" of the I don't know if you want to keep it a secret/guess for your other readers a bit longer.
Okay..better start doing something again.
Steph xxx
Aaaaand yes of course I will enjoy it. Have you ever seen a show of them? I am sure you will like it too :) I can bring the dvd next time I visit you ..which is one day sooner than my last post from yesterday hihi.
Well all I can remember is that afterwards..I am humming the music all the time..and try to hold my arms beside my body and move my feet hahahaha...okay that was another clue to let you know..I so know what we are going to do :) :)
*okay I will so slap my forehead if it turns out it will be something totally different hahahaha*
Steph xx
Thanks for your comments Steph *winks*
And yeah, I guess you know what we're going to do but it would have been stupid NOT to find out if you really liked it before spending a lot of money on it *smile* Ah well... As long as we'll have a terrific day and evening together then it'll be ALL worth it for SURE *does happy dance*
yep yep yep...of course it was a good thing to check first.
But I am very excited about it..can you tell? click click (imagining the music and footsteps hehe).
Ohh and euhmmm be might happen you see a over excited, hands clapping en whohoo yelling person in one of the chairs next to you in 9 months :P
Haha not giving any clues away, eey, Steph??? And sorry to say dear, but it's even 10 more months you have to count down from...
And if you do get overly excited: we'll just act like we don't know who that crazy lady next to us is :P Haha...
darn it!!
See getting too excited and having to work also..makes my brain so loony hahah.
I can't count anymore lol...okay..okay 10 months..otherwise I would be there saying "hello??" to an empty theathre hahahahaha.
Oh well you can always try to say you don't know that crazy lady..not sure it will work though hihi
sometimes i think life would be a lot easier in a omwf type world where we just sang about everything There are times i can't find the words and just want to say 'listen to this song, this is how i feel right now'
congratulations on your complete sucess with regards to making me curious. i have a few guesses although on eof the things i am thinking of i cant remember if it is irish or not lol... unless it being irish is a clever ruse to confuse us all...
Thanks for your comment Gin! And WOW you finally uploaded a picture :D Looking WAAAAAY better now :D
I will not tell what we're going to get Steph until May 9th. Then I can post a picture of Steph and her prezzie on this blog :D But feel free to guess away :)
And you are totally right! Some times it is way easier just to say: THAT song is how I feel...
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