I survived the trip to the therapy and back. And then I uploaded some more pictures, read some incoming e-mails (still working on an answer for Sjak) and watched some DVD. When Joyce came home, we went for a walk with Chance and then we could also drop in at the Jan Linders for our evening meal. George told us he'd be home between 19:30 and 19:45, so we will wait for him. But after that, I will put my food in the microwave and get ready to eat (didn't want to cook...).
Today, 3 DVD boxsets I ordered at Amazon.co.uk (LOVE the low English Pound rates!) finally arrived! *yay* And Saturday I received Supernatural season 3 as well. Finally... Stupid Dutch TV DVD boxsets always take so long to come out... Sigh... Ah well, they promised us loads of cold weather for tomorrow, so I know where I'll be: inside with my laptop and a good DVD.
But I promised you some more pictures, so I will post them now.

A good girl in the snow.

"Will you play with me?"

Picture time!

Getting a cold behind in the snow

Playing with Joyce in/with the snow

Throw some more snow, please!
And a video I made this evening.
Hope you enjoyed it. I also made some pictures of the neighbourhood. Will upload them soon so I can post them as well. Please leave a comment if you like. I know I like getting nice comments to the posts I make *smile*
Have a good evening everyone. Be carefull when you need to get on the road and keep warm, it's getting cold out there!
Ta-ta for now,
Cynni xxx
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