Monday, January 05, 2009

Hello everyone,

here I am, again. In about two hours I will have to leave the house to get to my therapy. It has snowed last night, about 5 cm (1,5 inch) of snow has covered all of Cuijk. So when I woke up around 9:45 this morning, I got dressed, got my snowboots on and took our little doggie out for a walk. I do believe that George has done the same before he went to work, but with all the snow, I saw a nice picture opportunity. So I made some pictures of the snow in our area and of course of Chance in it. I will upload them to my photobucket shortly and then share them with you all here in my blog.

I am now watching a Medium DVD (season 2) and trying to upload my pictures and add some video's to my photobucket. And I am trying to plan an interactive game weekend with some friends. But that seems quite a job to be. So I do hope we can find a date on which (most) people can join in.

I will post this blog now and come back when I have some pictures to show you.

Much love, ta-ta for now,
Cynni xxx

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