to keep my eyes from
falling shut
dozing off
sleeping away
strike them
and like magic
there is fire
to light up the room
did your folks never warn
you not to play with fire
you might get burned
so easily
not to be mistaken for love
since they both
can warm you
and light up your life
But matches
don't live long
and love can be
forever if taken
good care off
So I strike a match
to light a candle
to make shadows
on the two of us
while we love
February 8th 2006, Cynthia

What is in an hour
what is in a minute
what is a day
compared to a human life?
What is a second
a second to lose
what happens when you're too late?
Are you ever too late
or are others just early
or are you just in time the right time
the universe planned for you?
What is a human life
compared with all the pain
one must endure?
What is a human life
compared with all the love
one can receive and give?
Days go by, wether you want them or not
take your love by the hand,
never let it go
times can be rough and hard
times can be lovely and sweet
but you'd better be prepared
because you never know
what that next minute will bring you in your human life....
Februaty 6th 2006, Cynthia
They live in you
they live in me
but I may not let them live me
live and control my life
My life belongs to me
even though sometimes
I must put trust
in other people's hands
Since some things are too hard
too difficult or strong
to face alone, to stand my grounds
but it is never easy
But when I close my eyes
and drift away
my subconsious leads the way
leaving me blindfolded
to the directions I am heading
When I open my eyes
what will I see
what will I remember
will I still be me?
© Cynni February 4th 2006

Touching my dearest, keep the poems coming!
Thanks sweety!
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