This is my story of Willow in "New Moon Rising", season 4 episode 19. It is just the end of the episode, where Willow says goodbye to Oz and declares her love to Tara.
The electricity went down, all turned dark. All but in my heart, because I thought of you and that lightened me. You made me see all clear and bright, even this dark night. But there where things I needed to take care of first, before I could be with you. I needed to have one of the most difficult talks I ever had so far. I knew he'd understand, I knew I would cry and I knew that in the progress so far, I only hurt you and your feelings. So I had to make it up to you, after that talk.
So I talked with him, told him how I felt. That I did love him, but now more as a friend. I fell in love with someone else. I fell in love with you. But he had already thought that, he had smelled it. He had smelled the sweater you were wearing the other day, my sweater. And I think he also had smelled her on me. We had a good talk and after a hug and tear I left him and we rode away. Just like he did before, but now with a goodbye.
I had thought about what to say to you. How to say it, how you would react. I brought a candle with me, though I figured you already had a lot of them. Had I been albe to watch through the door, I would have seen you sitting there, alone in that chair, in the dark looking out the window. But I was nervous enough without knowing how you felt. I felt sad and I only hoped that you would listen to me, to my apologies. I lighted the candle and knocked on your door, my heart thumping in my throat. You opened the door. I looked at you and you looked sad. I looked around and it was dark. "No candles?" I asked you, and without waiting for an answer "Well, I brought one, it's extra flamey". You took over the candle without a word and I closed the door behind me. You looked at the candle, you looked so lost. "Tara, I have to tell you..." But you interrupt me. "No, I, I understand. You have to be with the person you l-love." "I am." "You mean?" "I mean. Okay?" "Oh yes". You bring a smile on your face and I feel warmth inside me. So I continue with my confession. "I feel horrible about everything I put you through. A-and I'm gonna make it up to you. Starting right now." You look up, still questioning me, I can see it in your eyes. "Right now?" you ask me. All I could do is smile and nod. With a smile on your beautiful face, you blow out the candle. This is a new beginning, a new moon rising...

The end.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, I borrowed them. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is from Joss Whedon and 20th Century Fox. This is just the end of the episode, seen through Willow's eyes, as seen by my eyes.
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