I know it's been a while, but I've been quite busy. But now I am online and ready to inform you about all the stuff that has kept me that busy. The last time I wrote a post, it was about the weekend that Björn came to visit us. So that's 9 days ago and a lot to mention.
I had to work last week, on all days except for the Tuesday. Monday from 7:30 till 12:30, Wednesday & Friday from 7:30 till 13:00 and Thursday from 8:00 till 13:00. On Thursday, I went to my parents' place after work so mum and I could still make our usual grocery shopping ride to Kranenburg and the Makro.
There isn't really much to mention about the working week. I went to the gym twice and that went quite OK. It's still hard but I am doing my best and what I am allowed to do and that should progress during the time being (I hope).
This Saturday, Joyce and I went grocery shopping again with my mum. Due to it almost being Easter, many people were already in the stores. But we still made it back quite in time before the real busiest part of the day. We took Brutus home with us, seeing the weather was really lovely and that way he could finally join Chance for a swim in the Maas. We cleaned up all the groceries and then we had our brunch. Then we went to the city center to visit a local travel agency. We are planning a REAL vacation this year... Seeing this year we did have a mid-week in Center Parcs. But that was not really a vacation for me, seeing I could not do a lot except for sitting in the jacuzi. George and Joyce went skiing during the days and I was not able to join. In 2008 we did not have any vacation due to my hip troubles. And in 2007 we had 9 days of Isla Margarita in March and a week in Texel in October. So now, a real vacation is being booked. We are going to Mexico this year. We all never have been there, so that should be really exciting. It's a 16 days vacation, which means 2 weeks of real vacation time, seeing 2 days are spend traveling. The last 2 weeks of June and the first of July will be spend there. We have heard and read a lot about the Iberostar hotel Tucan/Quetzal. And all was positive, so we are planning our stay there. For pictures please click this link. I hope it works. Otherwise please Google the hotel. My boss gave me the OK to take the desired days off from work so we will definitely book our vacation next Thursday. Whoohoo!
After that, we went home and took the doggies for a walk and swim at the Surfer's Corner in Linden. Let me share some nice pictures that I made with you. And you know it: click on the pictures for an enlargement!
On Sunday we had to get up early to visit the Warner Brothers Movie Work in Germany. First we had to take Brutus home and Chance was going along to spend the night at Brutus' place.
Joyce also made a blog about this day. Please use this link to read her story!
The ride went OK and we arrived somewhat near 10:45. We bought our tickets and met the one and only cartoon "person" we saw in the park during the whole day: the Pink Panther. So we asked the Pink's guide to take a picture with Pink & the three of us.
After that: a toilet brake and then on to the rides! Seeing Joyce wrote a very detailed blog I will only post some pictures and comments here. No use in writing the same story as she already has...

Our first ride

Scratt still trying to save the world, or his nut...

007 Scratt saves the world again...or was it still that darned nut?

Manny needs a push ever now and then

All ends well...
In the end we also visited a show. Here is a short vid that I made.
As I wrote before, for a more detailed post about WB Movie World, please visit Joyce's blog post about it.
When we were on our way home, we made a short pit-stop in Kleve, Germany. There we saw some of the Monster Trucks that had been used on a show a few days before. Of course we took out chances to make some pictures *smile*
On that Sunday evening, I made a wrong move with my left arm, causing it not to be able to move anymore. It felt like a muscle just changed it's position and it hurter really bad. Joyce could not massage the muscle back so we needed George's manly powers... Well, he did succeed after a while to give my arm some movement back. But now my shoulder blade feels bruised and it's a bit red/blue/black and swollen. I had to work all day today and it was really hard. That's why I am not at the gym at this moment. I KNOW I could use the exercise but it only hurts me and that would not be enjoyable or useful in any way. So I stayed home, unfortunately, and decided to update my blog.
Yesterday we had a relaxing day. Since my parents would bring Chance home when they'd come over to have dinner all together at a Chinese restaurant in Gennep. So we did not need to care for Chance and we could sleep in. Then we had our brunch and Joyce and I cleaned the insides of our 3 cars. Then Joyce and I went to the car wash to wash the outside of her car as well.
Then my parents came and we went to the Surfer's Corner once again. The doggies swam and then we had a walk before heading back to get prepared for dinner.
The dinner was lovely and delightful. And when we came back, Joyce and I took Chance for a late walk and then we went to bed and watched yet another episode of Deep Space Nine. Just 2,5 more weeks and we'll be heading to Fed-Con in Bonn, Germany. Whoohoo!
And now I am home after a long and hard day at work, finishing up this blog and listening to a Within Temptation song on my pc.
Huggies and much love to all,
Cynni xxx
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