Thursday, December 17, 2009

Working on my story

Hello everyone,

lately, I've been busy with my story again. Writing, changing some things, and thinking of things that should be part of this story. I did "publish" some parts online in the beginning. But I am not going to do so anymore. If this writing is really going well and if the story comes around the way I'd like to, hope to, it might be a nice idea to be able to send it out to some publisher (if ever!).

And if I go around putting my work online, I kinds lose my "claim" to it. Or so I feel...

But if you, my dear readers, are interested in how this story is progressing, please leave me a comment here! If I already have your e-mail I could send it to you. Otherwise, please send me your e-mail addy to my personal FaceBook inbox (so it will be kept private).

I AM curious to your comments, ideas and any mistakes you've encountered while reading it...

Drop me a line, or just leave me a comment ;-) Thanks!

TTFN, Cynni xx

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