Thursday, May 26, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011

Originally uploaded by SuperCynni
I was testing the nightshot settings of my new Nikon P500 camera. I used the pre-set settings, didn't change anything. And I used a simple tripod. Will test camera soon to write a more useful blog about it. It will be tested à la me, so not very professional. More for the "simple users". Not sure yet if I will post the blog about the camera here or on my other blog at
Well, seeing I can work again tomorrow (yes, very happy about it), I guess I will go to bed now.
Thanks for checking in. Please also check out my other blog. Good night everyone!
Via Flickr:
Full tele, used tripod
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Here I am again
sorry it’s (again) been a while since my last post. There are times when I can’t seem to stop posting and there are times when I barely can find the time to sit down, relax and type…
And I have started a new blog as well. I wanted to write about my previous vacations and also about my passion for elephants. So I decided to create a new blog for that and it’s been keeping me busy for a while. If you are interested, please click this link and check it out! And of course, feel free to comment either here or there. But keep in mind I am checking the comments before posting them so spam will never get through.
The Kuukse Kroegetocht was a blast. I had a great time and the weather was just lovely. Joyce took her old digital camera and we made some pictures. I still have to upload them to my Flickr site. But, due to the faces of us and other people being on the pics, I won’t make them public. They can only be seen by my friends and family. So if you’re interested, contact me at Flickr :) But it might take a while though before I could upload them… I have uploaded many other pictures in the past and some of those are public. So if interested, just check it out!
In 28 days I am going to FedCon XX :D I am really looking forward to it. Joyce and I have gold tickets (which, unfortunately, we won’t be able to pay for next year :( ) and I think we have decent numbers. So hopefully we’ll have great seats and we can make loads of pictures. And hopefully I have bought the camera I have my eye on now, so I can make even better (hopefully) pictures…
And now I have to get ready for work again. I am still working where I started last year in July. Still no contract though, unfortunately, but one can keep hoping. I am enjoying it and it also helps me pay the bills.
Hoping you all have a great day!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Kuukse 11 Kroegetocht

Originally uploaded by SuperCynni
YEAH baby! It's almost March 8th, which means that it's almost time for the "Kuukse 11 Kroegetocht".
It's mainly drinking, music and much fun!
When I have more time, I will get back on this subject in my next post. I know I have promised that before but it's hard for me lately to put my @$$ down long enough to write something decent to share.
So I wanted to share this with you before turning in my bed. If you'd like to see more of my pictures, visit my Flickr site (I guess clicking the picture should work, this is my first blog post through Flickr). If you want to see ALL my pictures, you need to be a Flickr member and send me a friendship request. Without that, you can only see my non-private pictures,
*~*Sweet dreams everyone~*
Monday, January 31, 2011
Last day of the month - addicted to games...
I know that in my previous post, I promised you a part two. I still want to write it, but I just haven't come around to sit and type. But I will post it, eventually...
I have been quite busy. Either with work or with friends and/or gaming. I am a terrible gamer, to be honest. I can start some game, play a while, get stuck and never get back to it. I know it is not good to give up. But my skills have always been lacking, keeping me back from really finishing many games that I've started. Although I am now playing the new Guitar Hero game, Warriors of Rock. And I am very determent to finish it, even if only in "easy" mode. I love to play games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I also love some other games as well. I currently play the last GH (Guitar Hero) game, so the Warriors of Rock. At times I also plat the Aerosmith and Metallica versions or the World Band version. *All can be found through the GH site I just linked* With RB (Rock Band) I have The Beatles, AC/DC, Green Day and the LEGO editions. I am currently waiting for the deliverance of GH Van Halen and GH 5. So MUCH songs to play. Together or alone... We have two guitars, the World Tour drum kit and a microphone.
Recently I started playing Heavy Rain after I bought it for Joyce (well, if we have it, I might as well play it myself as well). I played a bit and then I wanted to reply a part. The game informed me that I might have to replay some other stuff as well, due to changed game play. But now I Googled some of the trophies that can be earned with this game. My newly played parts should entitle me to at least 1 or 2 more trophies and I did not get them BUT I do have to play everything again... Starting to think I should just start over all together. Because maybe then the trophies will be reset and I have a chance to earn them. Sigh... It's kinda frustration because I just did some parts of the game and I thought I did good and now I have to remember what I did when I play it again. Ah well... Keeps me from feeling bored...
I am really eager to receive my CD and LP copies of "Charm School", the new album of Roxette I mentioned in an earlier post. There have been released many snippets and now the album has leaked onto the WWW and is available in several torrent sites. I so want to hold the vinyl and feel happy. Who would have thought that Roxette would ever record a new album, let alone go on tour?!? Marie made a great recovery than we could only wish for. And now Roxette is back! Please check out the snippets (just Google and you will find them) and buy the album! It will be released on February 11th. And I believe they now also have a date set for the UK somewhere in April. iTunes will, no doubt, be offering the songs as well. What I have heard so far, it is WICKED!
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Charm School, February 11th! Reserve your copy now! |
It's past 2 am and I wanted to go to bed like well, half an hour ago or so... Thanks for checking in and I will do my best to write more posts than I did last year. Of course, my lack of posting in 2010 has it's own reasons which I have mentioned... But I am working on it, on myself, and I will give all I can!
Monday, January 03, 2011
2010 has come to an end – part 1
Hello everyone and welcome to my first blog of 2011. This blog will be a summary of all good and bad that happened to me in 2010. Of course I won’t go into detail on everything. Some things I have blogged about, some things might be new. I really just want to type this as I go along and in the end, I’ll just press the right key to post this and it should be fine. So I guess this will be just another blog in my style :-)
In the end of 2009 I got fired from my new job. I had quit the job I’d been doing for 8 years to start something new. I had a two month training period with the new job. Unfortunately I got ill and it resulted into me getting fired.
So my 2010 started very badly. I was very depressed and I guess it wasn’t easy for other people to deal/live with me. I sought help and started an anonymous blog to make it more easily to write about all my problems freely. I don’t mind sharing stuff online, and I know my blog isn’t really popular, compared to others. But still, some things were and are too personal to write freely about.
I got money from welfare but it was hard to make ends meet. I fell down in a hole and I just couldn’t climb out all by myself. So I sought help and got some. It started well, but too late in my opinion. And now I still am waiting for a follow up, been on a waiting list ever since May 2010.
I felt horrible. It was nice at times to be home, to be able to do as I please. But I had to write many solicitation letters and to some I got a reply, but not to all. And most replies were negative. So I felt even worse. I have blogged a lot back then on my anonymous blog, wrote a lot in my paper journal. I tried to make the best of it.
I was glad I had some money saved up. And I was happy that I already had paid for my ticket to FedCon 19. My parents gave me money for the hotel and because of that all, I could do something positive: visit FedCon 19 in Bonn, Germany. This is a big convention that is held annually. In 2009 Joyce and I went to our first FedCon, number 18, and we got hooked straight away!
A small impression of our weekend at FedCon 19:

The first evening, Thursday April 29th. We met up with some German friends we met back in 2009. This picture is made by “Battlestar Galactica” star Aaron Douglas!!! We were right next to their (Aaron shared a table with some Battlestar Galactica friends) table. We wanted to have our group picture taken. So I went over to the neighbors’ table and asked Kandyse McClure if I might ask a weird question. You saw her face change to “OK, here we go again” but she answered politely that I was allowed to ask the question. Then I explained that we would like to have our group picture taken BY one of them (so not WITH) and Aaron jumped up while Kandyse was still surprised. We had to yell “Battlestar Galactica” (so everyone was checking us out) and then Aaron took this shot. So it’s a great story with some great memories as well.

The first photo shoot Joyce and I had on Friday, April 30th: Terry Farrell and Michael Dorn (a.k.a. Jadzia Dax and Worf from Star Trek Deep Space Nine).

And the thing FedCon is almost famous for: queuing! And the fun thing is, you keep on meeting the same people in your queue or in the queue next to you. This is a gall we met at FedCon and we are still calling a dear friend :-D I really met some great and awesome people at FedCon :-)

Our second photoshoot on Friday: Kandyse McClure. YES! The woman I asked to make a picture of our group the evening before. She still remembered us and we had a really nice chat with her. She is lovely and has a GREAT memory of faces and names, wow :-O

And this is Aaron Douglas. YES, the man who took our picture yesterday.
These were the photo shoots we took on Friday. I have made many pictures of the opening ceremonial. They are on my Flickr account, BUT you need to be my friend in order to see them. In the past I have shared my convention pictures in high quality with others freely and unfortunately people have taken advantage of me. So now I would still like to share pictures with friends/people who also love conventions and all, but only behind "closed gates" a.k.a. a Flickr account with a friendship bond on there. If you already have a Flickr account, please just look for me on there using the nickname SuperCynni. Send a request to befriend me. If you aren’t a Flickr member and you would still like to see the pictures, please sign up for Flickr on their main page (only takes a minute or so and it’s completely free) and then search for me to send the friendship request.
Our first photoshoot on Saturday, May 1st, was with Chase Masterson. She is known ofr her character "Leeta" in Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

A dear friend of ours, which we also met at FedCon 18, really wanted another photo shoot with Kandyse. But his funds had run out... So Joyce and I decided to buy him a ticket as a birthday present. We really love the outcome of this picture! So we are glad we decided on giving him this present.

I wanted another picture taken with Kandyse as well. This is a lovely "hugging picture", as I like to call them. While Kandyse and I were ready, the camera man wasn't. So he asked us to wait for a few seconds. I mumbled that he could take a whole minute if he wanted to...I was fine. This was heard by Kandyse who had to laugh hard and then the camera man had to wait for her to be ready again... Great memories! Great hugging ;-)

TAMOH!!! A lovely picture with Tamoh Penikett from Battlestar Galactica. I even got to offer him a chair on Thursday evening when he came up to join his BGS friends and got a thumbs up then! Lovely...

James Marsters. We had only met up with him during Hallowhedon in the end of October 2009 so it was nice to catch up with him again.
*while scrolling through all the pictures (over 500) of FedCon 19 I uploaded to Flickr, I really was glad to be there. After so many rejections while job searching, after all the time of not having the money to do anything fun while being unemployed, this was really something I needed badly.*
Sunday, May 2nd, our last photo shoot...

When we had our second photo with Martha Hackett, we asked for a hugging picture. This is what Martha made of it. I LOVE ♥ it!!!
This was the update on FedCon. As mentioned before, if you are interested in my talk pictures and/or the opening/closing ceremonial pictures…check out Flickr!
On May 31st, my mum’s birthday, we went to the Dutch amusement park: The Efteling.
A small impression of our day at the Efteling:
All pictures above are made at the "Droomvlucht" attraction.
This year, due to the lack of money, we decided to go on a cheaper kind of holiday: take the caravan and go to Austria. We went to the place we already visited a few times before: Hartberg in the Steiermark region. The vacation had it’s ups and downs. Partly because I was still not fully out of my depression yet. Partly due to, well, other reasons. But we did have some real good times and I would like to share some pictures of that as well. I guess I will post only the first week and in my follow up post (I will hopefully be able to write it a.s.a.p.) I will continue. It’s 1:18 am and I need to work again tomorrow (starting at 13) so I do need some sleep soon.
Small impression of our first week on vacation in Austria, starting Saturday July 31st.

A few KM before the Austrian border, so still in Germany (near Passau) one of our mobile home tired blew. And it blew hard! That evening I found rubber in bed. Not the safe kind of rubber though, but bits of the tire...

We found an Irisch pub near by, I was thrilled for sure!

A long, widing path through the "Teichalm Moor".

Chance had a great time as well :-)
Folks, I am getting really tired so I guess it's time to end the blog for now and shut my eyes and hopefully get some good rest/sleep. Thanks for your interest and hope to be able to "tell" you more about my 2010 soon!